
Young Scientists’ Fellowship Program (YSFP)


With the aim of capacity building and nurturing the young generation for development of science, technology, and innovation in line with the values and needs of the Islamic society, Mustafa(pbuh) Science and Technology Foundation (MSTF) and COMSTECH have jointly initiated YSFP to support talented youth with the cooperation of prestigious scientific institutes and reputable R&D centers. The program provides short-term fellowships to young scholars, technologists, and faculty members under 40 years of age. Applicants must hold at least master’s degree. Duration of fellowships in this program is 6-12 months, which can be more or less depending on the conditions and requirements, with the agreement of the host.


  1. Getting acquainted with novel scientific and technological achievements in the Islamic world;
  2. Sharing capacities and exchanging new findings through networking, streamlining, and strengthening international relations to help develop science and technology;
  3. Deepening and institutionalizing international communications and collaborations;
  4. Improving the quality of researchers' studies, and expanding the border of knowledge;
  5. Helping to solve important scientific and technological challenges of the Islamic countries through the achievements made by international cooperation.


Application and Evaluation Process

Following each call published by YSFP, applicants can refer to the website ysfp.mstfdn.org and apply online. Primary evaluation of applicants is based on the information provided in application form and attached documents, including education, research, teaching, grants, awards and honors, academic and professional activities, achievements, etc.

Applicants who have background of cooperation with Mustafa(pbuh) Prize Laureates as well as winners of KANS Scientific Competition, shall benefit from an extra score in the evaluation.

Taking into account all the indicators and scores, applicants are ranked, top of whom pass the secondary evaluation. Accordingly, a short list of eligible applicants is provided to the host for final review and selection.

In order to apply online, please click the following poster:

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