Place of Birth : Azerbaijan
Born : 1959
Position : Rector of Khazar University, Azerbaijan
Field of study : Biochemistry, Immunology
Associate Research Professor Irada Khalilova received her M.Sc. degree in Biology (division - Biophysics & Molecular Biology) from Azerbaijan State University (1983), and a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (division - Allergology and Immunology) from the Azerbaijan Medical University (1994). She has also had postdoctoral training in biochemistry, molecular biology, and immunology, and then worked as Senior Research Scientist at Immunochemistry Group, Department of Biochemistry, Azerbaijan Medical University (2003). Until July 2014, for several years she has worked as a Research Scientist and R&D Scientist in the Centre for Free Radical Research, Department of Pathology, Otago University, New Zealand. She joined Khazar University in September 2014 as head of the Biological Sciences Department. She has organized a new Research Lab at Khazar University, and since October 2015 she is the director of Centre for Cell Pathology Research. She has been Vice-rector for Research since September 2017. Since February 2019, she is Rector of Khazar University. She has over 20 years of teaching experience and taught biochemistry, immunology & medical biology courses for Biological and Medical students. She has more than 20 published journal articles and 25 conference contributions (published proceedings & oral presentations). She is a member of the International Society of Free Radical Research Australasia (SFRR Europe & SFRR Australia). She has more than 20 published journal articles and 25 conference contributions (published proceedings & oral presentations). On 1-2 June 2018, and 24-25 May 2019, she chaired annual International Conferences on “One Health: Problems & Solutions” hosted by Khazar University in Baku, Azerbaijan.
A primary focus of her current research is investigating reactive oxidant production during inflammation, its impact on biological damage and the consequences for disease pathology.
Since October 2015 she is the director of the Centre for Cell Pathology Research at Khazar University. She has been Vice-rector for Research since September 2017. Since February 2019, she is Rector of Khazar University.