Place of Birth : Indonesia
Born : 1952
Position : Chairperson of the Aceh Representative Board of the Indonesian Waqf
Field of study : Islamic Jurisprudence
Since 1979 Mr. Abdul Gani Isa was appointed as a Civil Servant at the Ministry of Religion until 2006. Since early 2007, he moved to UIN Ar-Raniry to work as a Lecturer in the Interpretation and Interpretation Course at the Faculty of Sharia and teach at S-2 in the Ulumul Quran and History of Jurisprudence and Islamic Sharia Studies until now. In addition, he is also active in writing in several media and magazines both in and outside the region. Also, he works actively in a number of professional organizations including as Chairman of the Aceh BP4, Chairperson of the Banda Aceh Baitul Mal Supervisory Board, Chairperson of the Aceh Representative Board of the Indonesian Waqf and writing a number of books and writings in the Journal.
The writer of the book entitled “Formalization of Islamic Sharia in Aceh”
Speaker of the seminar in Trenggano, Malaysia with the theme "Experience of Implementing Islamic Law in Aceh"
Lecturer of Islamic Jurisprudence at Sharia Faculty Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
Chairman of the Aceh BP4, Chairperson of the Banda Aceh Baitul Mal Supervisory Board, Chairperson of the Aceh Representative Board of the Indonesian Waqf and writing a number of books and writings in the Journal.