Place of Birth : Pakistan
Position : Meritorious Professor of University of Karachi and Executive Director of Fatimiyah Higher Education Network
Field of study : Environment, Ecology, Geography, GIS, and Remote Sensing
Dr. Syed Jamil Hasan Kazmi is a Meritorious Professor of University of Karachi and Executive Director of Fatimiyah Higher Education Network (FHES) under the patronage of KPSIAJ since January 2023. He has also worked as an Executive Director of MAPTC, OCLITS, OCL (a leading GIS firm of Pakistan) (2021-22). He is the former Chairman (twice) of the Department of Geography, past Director of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) and Ex-Director of ISPA, University of Karachi, Karachi. He worked on ADB and World Bank projects as an Expert with MAPTEC, OCLITS, OCL (Karachi) on KNIP and ADB road Projects in Punjab. He received his Doctoral Degree in Geography from University of Karachi (1997) and completed his Post-Doctoral term from University of Georgia, Athens (USA) under the Senior Fulbright Scholarship Program 1998-99. In addition, Prof. Kazmi has completed a Senior DAAD Research Fellow term at the Department of Geography, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany in 2018-19. He has published extensively in journals of international repute in the area of his research interests such as the application of Geo-informatics in environmental assessment, populationdynamics and urban ecology. He has more than 132 publications to his credit including four books (publications could be access via researchgate: with one of the Highest Impact Factor and Citations, among Pakistani Professors of Geography. Currently, he is the editor of many international journals of geography, ecology, and geo-informatics. Prof. Kazmi was the President of Pakistan Geographical Association (PGA) twice and holds the office of PGA as President from (2018-2021) and (2008-2013) as well.