
Radhouane Gouiaa

Radhouane Gouiaa

Place of Birth : Tunisia
Position : Founder and President of Tunisian Association on Gerontology
Field of study : Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Gerontology



GOUIAA Radhouane is a medical doctor specializing in internal medicine with a postgraduate diploma specializing in Geriatrics. He has successfully completed an advanced postgraduate program in Geriatrics at the European Academy for Medicine of Ageing (EAMA), Switzerland, and is a member of its network. He has participated in various national and international conferences and seminars in the field of ageing. In collaboration with the International Institute on Ageing, United Nations-Malta (INIA-UN) organized training programs in gerontology. He is the founder Member and to-date Chairman of the Tunisian Association of Gerontology (ATUGER). This association is a full member of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG). In ATUGER, he is organizing seminars and conferences for Tunisian medical doctors. He is elected Chair of the IAGG - Africa Region. He has publications in geriatrics and gerontology, including the chapter “Ageing in Tunisia” in the book “Ageing in the Mediterranean” Policy Press – Oxford 2013. He is an editorial board member of the International Journal Ageing Developing Countries – Published by INIA-UN. Dr. Radhouane was a coordinating doctor and deputy director of the polyclinic of the National Social Security Fund in Sfax - Tunisia. He is the Editorial Board Member of The International Journal Ageing Developing Countries – Published by INIA-UN and International Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology.

  • Tunisian Association on Gerontology (ATUGER): Founder and President
  • International Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology (IAGG)
  • European Academy for Medicine of Ageing (EAMA)
  • European Geriatric Medicine Society - Global Europe Initiative (EuGMS – GEI)
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