
Hossein Farshidi

Hossein Farshidi

Place of Birth : Iran
Position : Deputy Minister of Health and Medical Education, Islamic Republic of Iran
Field of study : Cardiovascular Disease, Public Health



Dr. Hossein Farshidi has been Deputy Minister of Health and Medical Education, Islamic Republic of Iran since 2022. In 1997, he has been graduated as a cardiologist from Iran University of Medical Sciences. In the following years, he became Chancellor of Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences and as a faculty member, and been actively engaged in the scientific and editorial bodies and communities in this realm. In the last few years, he has done his best to integrate the Family Health Program into Iranian Health System Network. “The Family Health Program and Electronic Referral System” represents a novel and comprehensive primary healthcare initiative aimed at enhancing the well-being of families and communities throughout the Islamic Republic of Iran. This program prioritizes accessibility and aims to deliver comprehensive, coordinated care to families, addressing both their physical and mental health needs. He has also arranged several National health campaigns for: "diabetes and high blood pressure screening", “oral health” and “Healthy nutrition information” to enhance the awareness of the public and private sectors and pave the road for further executive and scientific collaboration among all public health players to reach the ultimate goal of increasing the quality of life and life expectancy in the country.

  • Deputy Minister of Health and Medical Education, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2022-present
  • Chancellor of Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran, 2018-2022
  • Director of Hormozgan Cardiovascular Research Center, 2001-2018
  • Member of University Board of Trustees at Hormozgan University Of Medical Sciences
  • Professor of Cardiology, Interventional Cardiologist
  • Shahid Rejaie Cardiovascular Research Institute: Postcode: 1995614331 Tehran i.r.iran
  • Scientific Secretary of the 1st International Congress on Health Coverage with Family Health Program and Electronic Referral System, Tehran, Iran 2024
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Disease Diagnosis Magazine
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