7th Science and Technology Exchange Program gathers scientists virtually to beat COVID-19

7th Science and Technology Exchange Program gathers scientists virtually to beat COVID-19

18 May. 2020

Upon greeting scientists from around the globe, Harirchi stated that he hopes for a future where all countries can equally access medical care and facilities and nationalism will be eliminated so that humanity can destroy this virus.

He started his speech by sharing data such as Novel coronavirus daily cases in Iran staring from February. He mentioned that there has been a decrease in the cases ever since.

Contact tracing is increasingly done on people without symptoms and also on those in contact with patients. Therefore, daily death of 158 COVID-19 cases has significantly decreased.

However, Harirchi pointed out to the issue that the new cases are increasing in Iran. He predicted that in the days to come, the increasing trend will be eased.

He also showed that Iran ranks 50 among various countries considering total cases per million. Also regarding total deaths per million, Iran ranks 2. Harirchi believes since Iran's epidemic started sooner than other countries, the country experienced more deaths; otherwise the rank would be higher. Most of the countries became affected with COVID-19 one month later than Iran.

Regarding total cases until 16 May, Iran ranks 10 and considering total recoveries until 16 may Iran ranks 6. Again this is because the epidemic started sooner in Iran, thus recoveries happened sooner.

Harirchi further shared the experience of Iran in dealing with COVID-19.

He stated that "fortunately, Iran's government did a great job in fighting the virus."

He also talked about the economic effects of the virus in Iran. Since Iran's been under sanctions for two years in 2018 and 2019, it has been hardly affected by the crises.

The other point is that Iran has had a short period of time to prepare for the pandemic. This is the reason why Iran was compelled to take more measures.

An important measure taken was to put caring before treating.

Also, Afghan and Pakistani patients in Iran were cured free of charge due to their financial problems.

Harichi further added that Iran started screening and tracking patients in healthcare system networks in both rural and urban areas. Eight million were called and checked in person. Those with clinical symptoms were invited to centers for treatment, or family physicians visited them at their home.

The second phase of screening took place two weeks ago in Iran during which children under the age of 15 were examined.

Despite the lack of masks and PPE at the beginning of the pandemic, Iran became self-contained within 14 days. "Now masks are exported to other countries. Also we export ventilators from Iran. We have totally overcome our demand in Iran. We have permission for exports in extra amounts. We have as much as we need in our country," Harirchi declared.

Another important issue is that health ministry reached to a point where lockdown was enforced with a great cooperation between people and the government. After three days, schools, universities, cinemas, and public areas were closed down. After three weeks, religious locales, shrines, and mosques were closed which is an unfrequented event in Iran's history. This was done with great cooperation on the part of religious leaders of Iran.

"Unnecessary businesses were closed and after a decrease in the number of patients we gradually opened crucial businesses, schools, mosques, etc. But there are limitations. Fortunately, due to the rise in social assets and cooperation between people we are in a good financial situation. So, NGOs and charities are providing people with everyday needs. Financial aids are provided by government for people," he added.


News Source: MSTF Media 

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