The 5th Science and Technology Exchange Program (STEP) in Islamic countries was jointly organized (February 27th - March 2nd, 2019) by Mustafa(PBUH) Science and Technology Foundation (MSTF) and International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi, focusing on Cutting Edge Pharmaceutical Approaches to Meet Health Challenges of CDs and NCDs; with an emphasis on female scientists’ contributions.
The forum was attended by 64 delegates from 19 countries (Canada, Egypt, Pakistan, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Finland, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Turkey, USA, Yemen, France, Sweden, UAE, Singapore), and many undergraduate and graduate researchers and faculty members. Representatives from COMSTECH, TWAS, IAS, ISESCO, WHO, OWSD, MABIC also participated in STEP5.
The program included the following sections:
- Scientific and technological panels, STEP talks, round tables, keynote addresses and invited talks focusing on the following areas, held during three days in 15 different sessions:
- Influential Actions to Overcome Health-Related Challenges lying in the Islamic World;
- The latest development to Overcome Challenges Arising from CDs and NCDs in the Islamic World;
- STI and Future of Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases in the Islamic World;
- Latest Achievements in Tackling the Islamic World Health-Related Challenges;
- Academia to Academia (A2A) meetings: several A2A meetings between international delegates and academia took place.
- Presentation of Young Scientists’ achievements: one session to showcase the achievements of young scientists was held.
- Exposure of Industries to Scientists’ achievements (EISA) was organized and included the following:
- Exhibitions
- B2B meetings
- Pitch Deck Presentations
As another parallel program, Innovation Lab on Neuroscience and Electrophysiology was organized and included the following:
- Workshops: 75 scholars participate in the 3 workshops that were conducted by the Science Beam Co. and included the following:
- Animal Electrophysiology
- Neurofeedback, Brain Mapping, and QEEG
- EEG/ERP and Brain-Computer Interface
- Grants: 6 Laboratory Equipment Grants for the best research proposals were granted (Totally worth 65K USD)
For more information about 5th STEP Click here. Also, you can click here to see the 5th STEP statement.