The 4th Mustafa(pbuh) science and technology exchange program (STEP) in Islamic countries was organized jointly (2-5 Dec. 2018) by Mustafa(pbuh) Science and Technology Foundation (MSTF) and the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) with a focus on health, water and energy.
The forum was attended by almost 60 delegates representing 20 countries (Afghanistan, Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Germany, India, Italy, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, South Africa, Singapore, Turkey, UK and USA), many undergraduate and graduate researchers and faculty members who participated in this event. Representatives from COMSTECH, TWAS, ECOSF also participated in STEP4.
The program included the following sections:
Presentation of PhD Scholars’ achievements and interaction with the Mustafa(pbuh) Prize laureates: three sessions to showcase the achievements of young PhD students were held and the best three were selected by the Jury Panels.
For more information about 4th STEP Click here. Also You can click here to see 4th STEP statement.